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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mark 14

I have been busy all week and have not been reading the Bible myself. My excuse was that I have been attending the gospel meetings after work and I was so tired during the day to find time to meditate on the word of God.

It was great to attend the gospel meetings and hear the word of God and see some new people listening to the message attentively. I felt good also that I found myself useful as I interpreted the message from Korean to English.

Yet I found dryness and emptiness in my heart. I wanted to read the Bible and have a quiet time with the Lord myself. So here I am this Saturday morning. It is still dark outside and others in the family are sound asleep. I came down to the living room, turned on the fireplace, set in the sofa, read the chapter, and started typing in my laptop.

Several people appear in Mark 14:

  1. Jesus
  2. the chief priests and the scribes
  3. a woman who anointed Jesus
  4. some who were indignant about the woman
  5. Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus
  6. Peter who was confident about his loyalty to Jesus but denied Jesus before people three times
  7. Peter, James, and John who could not stay awake while Jesus prayed
The woman who broke the very precious alabaster box of ointment of spikenard showed that she delighted in the Lord. However there are many in this chapter who did not delight in the Lord as it is seen in their reactions.

Even when I am busy attending the gospel meetings, if I do not delight in the Lord daily, if I do not break my alabaster box and anoint my Lord daily, I become like others in this chapter who did not appreciate the devotion and consecration of the woman.

What happened to those who did not delight in the Lord?
  • Some became indignant and Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus.
  • Peter, James, and John could not stay awake while Jesus prayed earnestly.
  • When Jesus was arrested, the disciples all forsook the Lord and ran away. One person even left the linen cloth he was wearing and fled naked.
  • Finally Peter denied Jesus before people and God three times.
I need to break my alabaster box and anoint my Lord each day.

1 comment:

Daniel D. Kim said...

What is the Bible to me? It used to be a closed book to me until I got saved. I knew that I need to read this book but I did not have any desire. After I got saved, I remember an older Christian telling me that the Bible is the best book, worthwhile book that I should read over and over. However, at time, it was just a good saying.

Now after about twelve years, this book is starting to draw me to it. I remember the first time I was reading the Bible casually and I felt like I had a spiritual shower. I didn't know what I read but I felt cleansed. This book was different from any other book! When I don't take showers in the mornings, I feel yucky. Like many Americans who wear baseball caps when they missed a shower. But with each shower, I feel fresh and clean. This was a big discovery for me. Ephesians 5:25-27 says "...Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her that He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word that He might present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish."

I really appreciate the washing in the word. Lord wash me and all your children out there!

I got to run. But I'll comeback later.